
What does TES Teach in the Classroom (Blendspace) aim to achieve?

Technology can uniquely strengthen the relationship between teachers and their learners. Technology can help teachers grow into advisory and coaching roles for their learners when effectively integrated into the learning process.

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What is TES Teach in the Classroom (Blendspace)?

Tes Teach Blend Space is an online tool that teachers can use to create online classrooms. This virtual tool integrates technology into the classroom, allowing better collaboration and communication between teachers and learners. Blend Space creates tremendous benefits, like eliminating the possibility of students losing their papers, forgetting when their assignments are due, or missing lessons due to school absenteeism.

Besides its benefits to the students, Blend Space also benefits teachers in many ways, especially when creating lesson plans for the online classroom. For instance, Blend Space allows teachers to share learning materials with other users, like students and fellow teachers.

How it works

Blend Space allows the user to bundle information from a myriad of resources, including but not limited to the following: Google, DropBox, Google Drive, Gooru, OpenEd, and YouTube, as well as files stored in the computer.

Think of Blend Space as a means of creating a virtual database accessible to multiple users. It has a very simple insert or drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy and efficient to pull the resources together. The user must click on a new lesson, name it, and begin inserting and sequencing resources in the tile spaces.

How it’s used

Blend Space, as already mentioned, provides many possibilities to teachers and learners alike. Teachers can use it to curate resources and flip the classroom. There are similar tools out there, and regardless of your use, having one to organize your resources is truly a great idea.

So how do you choose the right tool? How do you know which one to rely on? Knowing how other teachers use tools like Blend Space is tremendously helpful when choosing the right tool to integrate into your classroom.

Let’s check out a few ways TES is used in the classroom

1. Upload lessons

Blend Space is an excellent way to avoid fumbling with flash drives or losing precious classroom time by opening your emails for attachments. This is because all your learners’ projects can be added using their URLs or uploaded into a single lesson. Once a lesson has been uploaded, only one will be opened to display the learner’s work for the rest of the class to enjoy.

1. Flip classroom

Blend Space can be used to flip the classroom and save that precious classroom time for learner interactions and engaging activities. It is also great for getting the learners to work independently while teachers facilitate their activities to provide one-on-one feedback to their learners.

Through the TES Resources tab, teachers can use Blend Space to create and share lessons with students through direct links or class accounts. Regardless of how you share the lesson, students have access to additional resources that can help them broaden their skills outside the classroom, at their convenience, using the devices at their disposal.

This implies that learning, in ideal circumstances, can take place anywhere at any time. It is all about the student’s convenience; this is one of the best things about technology and applications like Blend Space. Both teachers and learners can also use it for handling presentations, favorite web tools, and other personal work. Blend Space makes it easier for teachers to share ideas with colleagues and prepare more enriched learning materials for their students.

Useful tips when classroom flipping

  • Target your resources to address the source of your learners’ confusion
  • Engage your learners in high-level thinking (discuss what-if scenarios, topic analysis, problem-solving, and a summary of key ideas)
  • Assess your learners’ understanding of the most important points of the topic
  • Challenge learners with more rigorous examples, tasks, and problems
  • Help learners who need it with more practice

3. Lesson Creation

Blend Space allows teachers to build lessons for any level or discipline. All the teacher has to do is identify a topic and put together a lesson by using available TES Resource tools like Educreations, Google Search, Dropbox, Google Drive, or uploads from the computer. Students can access resources and submit their assignments for evaluation and feedback through a central place.

The teacher can add boxes, move items around, and put the lesson together quickly. Blend Space is a great resource for sharing information, monitoring lesson progress, and achieving much more, all online. These are some of the reasons why Blend Space is increasing in popularity.

Ideas to create interactive lessons with TES Teach (Blend Space)

  • Integrate your lessons with real-time interaction
  • Get creative with your discussion boards
  • Maximize engagement with non-task interaction
  • Have a clear plan
  • Employ multiple communication tools

Other benefits of TES Teach (Blend Space)

Other benefits and advantages:

  1. Being able to create multiple quizzes throughout your lesson bundle to assess your learner’s comprehension. Blend Space can also help you GRADE your questions. Use Google Forms or Word documents to include open-ended or more involved questions.
  2. The teacher can set up lessons as the students create their accounts. Once the students have created their accounts, the teacher can TRACK what his students are working on. Students can also provide FEEDBACK and share resources with the rest of the class. Tracking enables the teacher to keep in touch with each student, where they are in the lesson, and what they need to complete it successfully.
  3. Users can access Blend Spaces set up by other teachers and students – as long as these Blend Spaces are made public.

Summary of TES – teach in the classroom

TES Teach, formerly known as Blend Space, is an online learning tool supported by the curriculum company known as TES Teach. It is designed to collect and bundle information for a multitude of uses. This tool is accessible to teachers and students. Blend Space’s primary goal is to enable teachers to keep in touch with their learners using multimedia outlets efficiently and effectively.

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