
This is how I knew I wanted to be a teacher…

Being a teacher can be a rewarding career. Your decision to embark on the educational profession is based on your aspirations.

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How I knew I wanted to be a teacher

The following guide discusses some of the reasons many people decide to become an educator.

Childhood aspirations

If you ask many teachers about their decision to become an educator, they’ll say; they knew from a child. They admired the classroom setting during their early education and the lesson plans they were assigned. Some children asserted they wanted to become a teacher when they grew up as an early indicator that they wanted to teach. You envisioned your classroom, your students, and how you would teach.

More importantly, you always looked forward to your first day as an educational professional.

Admired your teacher

Did you pay extra attention to a specific teacher in school?

Some current teachers admired their early educators and wanted to be like them and become an educator. They may have helped you through a difficult subject, aspiring you to want to help children through complex educational issues. As a future teacher, you look forward to being a role model like the teacher that inspired you.

Educational activities

If you enjoyed a leadership role in your extracurricular school activities, this could have contributed to you becoming a teacher.

For example, if being a camp counselor was fulfilling, it could have given you an appreciation for the learning environment that led to your role as an educator.

Enjoy being with children

Children will play a major role in your daily teaching activities, and you’ve been prepared to be their role model. A good teacher can work with children with many different personality traits. You understand what it’s like working with children of a certain age or all ages and have had the willingness to become their educator.

If you aspire to be a teacher, you know how to function well with kids. As an aspiring teacher, you will:

  • Create a learning environment
  • Help students meet their educational goals
  • Provide educational discipline
  • Help children develop decision-making skills
  • Prepare them for adulthood

If you always knew you wanted to be a teacher, you’ve been prepared to help children learn from the very start.