

Causes, goals, wishes, achievements
Social, cultural outreach
School, sport, music, medical, technology, STEM equipment
Student, teacher, school, PTO supplies


I'm in my 16th year of teaching. I am currently teaching 1st grade and have taught 1st-3rd grades. I have always loved working with kids and started out at 9 years old babysitting. Teaching is my passion and I want to be able to do everything I can for my students, current and future. I work at a non title 1 school, which means we get minimal funding. Many of the materials and technology we have has been from fundraising and is becoming out-of-date. I'm wanting to implement more STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) education. This is our future. Please help me in my quest to gain new technology and materials to help with the implementation of STEAM in my 1st grade classroom. Thank you
I'm in my 16th year of teaching. I am currently teaching 1st grade and have taught 1st-3rd grades. I have always loved working with kids and started out at 9 years old babysitting. Teaching is my passion and I want... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Dec 29th, 2022

      Fundraiser for Amber Shivers

      Amber Shivers
      $966 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Fundraiser Completed
      Ends on Apr 21st, 2023