

Causes, goals, wishes, achievements
Social, cultural outreach
School, sport, music, medical, technology, STEM equipment
Student, teacher, school, PTO supplies


Being a teacher your dreams encompass wanting your students to explore and experience everything life has to offer. Unfortunately, money is always an obstacle. However, the more access to resources (even if it is just within the classroom), having students at least get some kind of exposure, will create imagination which will hopefully lead to inspiration, and eventually, accomplishing a goal or even a life long dream.
Being a teacher your dreams encompass wanting your students to explore and experience everything life has to offer. Unfortunately, money is always an obstacle. However, the more access to resources (even if it is just within the classroom), having students... more

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    Support this cause by donating and sharing some words of courage.

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      Fundraiser | Created Dec 29th, 2022

      Fundraiser for Agatha M. Cruz Quinata

      Agatha M. Cruz Quinata
      $903 /goal $0 /raised
      Total donors 0 Donors
      0% Complete
      Fundraiser Completed
      Ends on Oct 17th, 2023