Teaching is a challenging enough job on its own. But when it comes to teaching high schoolers, there's more pressure than ever to provide your students with the tools for their future. After all, the next step is college or the working world " so we're the last point at which kids can turn over […]
Math can be one of those particularly challenging areas for some students. Luckily, with modern teaching, plenty of free math websites are the perfect way to educate your students. Whether looking for basic math websites for kids or hunting for the best ones, this list has you covered. We look at 15 math sites for […]
Classful is a fundraising platform that allows parents and other community members to donate directly to their area’s teachers. Unlike many other platforms, there are no hidden fees or participation costs. 100% of the donations (except for the payment processing fees) go directly to the teacher, and they can access their funds immediately. If you […]
As parents, we want nothing more than to help our children succeed in life. This is especially true regarding their academic work and the skills they need for a bright future. Working alongside teachers, we can give our kids the tools to get further in life and do great things. Parenting plays a vital part […]
I recently attended my child’s school orientation, and, as usual, a teacher was there trying to recruit parents to be volunteers. I smiled and told him I was already a part of the team of volunteers. Despite my busy-mom schedule, I find time to provide much-needed assistance to the school. Everyone benefits when you help […]
Suppose you're wondering how to enthuse your students and improve their grades. In that case, this article provides a brief overview of the importance of classroom engagement and 15 student engagement strategies to try today. According to an extensive and respected research project conducted several years ago, people who feel engaged in a task or […]
When students enjoy a positive learning environment, they can learn the necessary concepts more readily. Yes, students can gain knowledge in environments that are less than ideal. There is no reason to put that difficulty in front of them. Traditional classrooms aren’t always positive, and abandoning a model that is less than ideal is okay. […]
Classroom management is a crucial aspect of teaching, but it's one area teachers often struggle with. Although there are numerous strategies you can use to enhance your classroom management, it can be tricky to decide which is the right one for you and your students. No teacher forgets the first time they lost control of […]
While some think of an iPad as another way to put children before a screen, the average tablet can be an excellent addition to a child's education if used productively. Both inside and outside of the classroom, if used correctly, this bit of tech can help children develop and provide them with fun and engaging […]