
Adam Brown


I am teaching year 5 as school approaches this August. I am a Spanish Teacher, and I think I've known I wanted to teach since I was a kid in school. I fell in love with Spanish in High School and decided to major in it. As luck would have it, I returned to my alma mater High School to teach. As I began, I was teaching in the same way that I was taught, yet I wasn't seeing the results I had desired. Then I came around to this style of teaching called, TPRS and CI. This method focuses on meaning, not on verb conjugations and boring drills. After I made the switch I saw a TREMENDOUS leap in my students and their ability to ACTUALLY SPEAK SPANISH! How many times do people say, 'I took Spanish in school and I don't remember a lick of it!" Well, I'm on a mission to change that! When I reach the end of my days as a Spanish Teacher, I want my students to say, 'I took Spanish with Mr. Brown and I can still communicate!" With the help of your donations, I can make this dream a reality! I am teaching year 5 as school approaches this August. I am a Spanish Teacher, and I think I've known I wanted to teach since I was a kid in... read more

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Joined July, 2019 |


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