
No one ever wants their child to have discipline problems at school.

And the last thing you want is a call from the school administrator informing you that your youngster has been suspended from school. When this call comes through, do not panic. Rather, act swiftly to ensure that your child’s suspension becomes an important learning opportunity that discourages them from ever getting another suspension.

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What should I do if my child gets suspended?

Here are five things you need to do when your child gets suspended.

1. Get the facts right

Start by talking to your child to find out exactly what happened. While at it, contact the school immediately and request the school records regarding the incident that lead to the suspension. Finally, review the school district’s disciplinary policies and procedures as well as applicable regulations, which are as follows:

  • The parent should be notified within 24 hours of their child’s suspension
  • Before suspending, the school administrator must inform the student of the reasons for the suspension. Additionally, the student should be allowed to explain the situation – referred to as an informal hearing
  • Unless it is an emergency, the informal hearing should be held before imposing the suspension
  • While determining the length of the suspension, the school administrator may factor in evidence of previous disciplinary problems

You must understand the rule your child broke that led to this suspension.

2. Meet the school administration

Call the school administrator or principal who is suspended and schedule an appointment with them. Discussion matters can include:

  • Schedule this appointment as soon as possible before the child serves their suspension
  • Learn the school’s version of the story concerning the incident that leads to the suspension
  • Advocate for your child
  • Discuss alternative punishments
  • Get your child to own up for their actions
  • Inquire about services, like counseling, education, or health services, that can help your child

3. Ensure your child’s educational progress

Your child has the right to make up the assignments and examinations they missed while on suspension. It is important to ensure that the child does not lag or is academically disadvantaged due to the suspension.

Remember to ask the school for your child’s assignments so that they can complete them while on suspension. Also, request that your child make up any tests they might have missed.

4. Know your rights if your child has special needs

Special education kids have very specific rights and protections when it comes to suspension or expulsion. Student rights usually consist of the following:

  • Every student is entitled to a manifestation hearing before they can be suspended or expelled from the school
  • Every student has the right to due process before a suspension that is ten days or longer
  • Special education children are entitled to educational services even if they are suspended or expelled

5. Get in touch with an education attorney

If your child has been suspended or expelled, consider seeking help from an experienced education attorney as soon as possible. The education attorney will do the following:

  • Explore how the matter can be resolved
  • Discuss alternative punishments with the school
  • Ensure the child’s educational records are accurate
  • Appeal and/or request reconsideration of the suspension
  • Prevent discrimination against your child, and
  • Facilitate school or community services like counseling, tutoring, and testing for learning disabilities.