
When I tell colleagues and friends my spouse is a teacher, they often comment on how it must be difficult having a spouse that has long summers and a shorter working days than me.

Unfortunately, nothing could be further than the truth. Anyone who has a close relationship with a teacher will tell you the amount of time and effort they put into their job is unparalleled.

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This is what it’s like to be a teacher’s spouse

While, yes, sometimes this can be difficult, it is a privilege to see someone care so much about others and their job.

So to put any misconceptions at rest, here is what it’s like being a teacher spouse…

You feel like you are married to a celebrity

No matter what time or where my spouse and I venture, they will always be recognized. My spouse will always be spotted and stopped for a quick chat, whether by current students, past students, parents, or fellow teachers.

You become invested in their students

Without realizing it or even meeting your spouse’s class, you will become invested in their well-being after hearing multiple stories about them. How is Jane taking the break up? Did John get the grade he wanted? These are questions I often find myself asking.

You become a volunteer teacher helper

From helping my spouse collect craft supplies to offering advice on school events, much of my free time is spent supporting my spouse’s work. Even during work hours, I spend my breaks asking colleagues if I can collect their plastic bottles for a project my spouse is working on or reminding my friends to attend school events and showcases.

You feel incredibly, incredibly proud

As a teacher spouse, you gain true insight into the work and dedication your partner puts into their job to help children grow and prosper. As such, the main part of being a teacher spouse, for myself at least, is being in awe of my spouse and thankful I have them in my life.

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