
California teacher salary can vary depending on the city they work in and other factors.

Teacher salary factors include:

  • Education
  • Certifications
  • Additional Skills
  • Number of years teaching

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So, what is the salary for teachers in California?

  • The average Public School Teacher salary in California is $61,732.
  • The range typically falls between $53,890 and $71,267.
  • The highest-paid city is Daly City, CA.
  • The lowest-paid city in Arcata, CA.

Did you know that California teachers received a pay cut?

California teachers had their pay cut by 7.9% in the past 15 years.

What is the value of a dollar in California?

  • The value of a dollar in California: is $0.88 (compared with other states).
  • Personal income: $44,173 (25th highest)
  • Cost of living adjusted income: $51,386 (21st highest)
  • Median home value: $477,500 (2nd lowest)

California teacher pay

  • Did you know 94% of teachers spend their money on school supplies?

How do we help California teachers?

Classful is an innovative platform that allows teachers to get the funding they need to provide our students with the outstanding education they deserve. We help teachers receive the funding they need. We give teachers an easy way to raise money for the things they need the most on their terms.

Teachers can create a profile on our site, and parents and other supporters can donate to them directly. Teachers get to keep all the money they raise, unlike other education fundraising initiatives, where funds are split among all the grant recipients.

How can the funds be used?

  • School supplies
  • Projects
  • Field trips
  • Personal needs
  • And more!