
Managing high school students can be challenging, especially considering all the changes our students are going through.

We want to be sympathetic, but it’s also important to ensure that the classroom maintains an atmosphere conducive to learning. We think that collaboratively creating rules can make them more effective. If you want your class to abide by the rules as much as possible, include them in at least part of the rule-making process.

You can break down the rules into these broad categories:

  • Rules brainstormed by the class as a whole
  • Rules set in place by the teacher
  • Amendments and changes to the rules that occur over the school year

No one likes to live in a dictatorship, and when you include the students, you are helping them to ‘buy in’ to the process. This can often make it easier for the class to follow the rules.

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So, what are the top 10 rules for high school?

Establishing these top rules can help your students get the most out of their high school years! We especially love the idea of posting the rules in the classroom as a handy reminder that it’s important to maintain order and focus.

1. Punctuality

Being on time doesn’t mean breezing through the door right as the bell sounds. It means being at your desk and ready to go when class begins. Don’t be tardy!

2. No smartphones, tablets, or other personal devices

All personal electronic devices should remain in your locker during the day, only to be used between classes. Under no circumstances should phones be used during class time otherwise, they will be confiscated and held until the end of class.

3. Take care of out-of-classroom responsibilities before and after class

Make sure you get everything you need out of your locker before class. The time in-between classes are also good for using the restroom or taking care of any other personal needs. Limit asking for a Hall Pass to those situations that absolutely can’t be avoided.

4. Come to class prepared

Coming to class unprepared creates a lot of distraction for you, your fellow students, and the teacher. If you forget something at home, get to class early to deal with the problem BEFORE class begins. Try to keep the disruption to a minimum!

5. Begin any posted assignment at the very start of class

When in-class assignments are posted on the board, make sure you begin them immediately. In-class work does not mean you can take the first five to 10 minutes of class chatting with your neighbor.

6. Be polite in your manner and speech

We adhere to a zero-tolerance when it comes to bullying of any type. Always conduct yourself politely and respectfully, whether interacting with fellow students, teachers, or classroom aides. There is never a good reason to be rude or belligerent in the classroom or elsewhere.

7. Don’t speak out of turn

Be respectful of the other students in the class, and make sure that when talking is permitted, perhaps when working in small groups, you use an ‘inside’ voice that isn’t disruptive to other students. Always raise your hand during class discussions rather than blurting out an answer.

8. Always behave in an honorable fashion: no cheating

Any time a student is caught cheating or copying another student’s work, whether it be homework or an exam, the student will be sent to the principal’s office, and their parents will be notified. Cheating is never a good idea, and if you need extra help in a certain area, ask for help.

9. Pay attention to the teacher and their instructions

No one wants to wait for a student who wasn’t paying attention to catch up. Your lack of attention can slow the entire class and cause unnecessary disruption.

10. Class lasts until the bell sounds

Don’t start packing up until class has ended. You may want a jump start on getting to your next class, but this action can distract the class.