
Whether you’ve got one year of experience or thirty, as a teacher, you’re always going to have exhausting days.

You forgot your resources, one of your students broke down, and you cannot get the projector to work! Whatever it is, you need to try and put it aside once you get home to maximize your night routine. Ensuring a good routine at night means you’re more likely to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the new day.

Here are a few tips that you should try and incorporate into your night routine.

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1. Planning

When you get home, provided you aren’t too tired, you should aim to get all your plans done for the next day. This will help alleviate any qualms, such as a tricky topic. If you know something is wrong with one of your students, make a note to keep a subtle eye on them the next day.

This planning will make your work the next day more effective and less troublesome.

2. Get any other tasks out of the way

Once the priority of planning is out of the way, you should focus on your household tasks. Some tasks you should focus on completing include:

  • Tidying around the house
  • Doing food shopping
  • Walking the dog
  • Doing the laundry

Ignoring these things will only stress you out more late at night or hang over your head until you get it done. Aiming to offset tasks as soon as you can alleviate these worries before they appear.

3. Eat a good meal

Teachers often skip eating a good meal at dinner because they don’t have the time or energy to cook. As harsh as it sounds, you should try your best to cook a healthy, filling meal, even if it’s tiring at the time. Not doing so will deprive your body of the nutrients it needs and potentially weaken your immune system. The former of these outcomes results in you simply feeling sluggish the next morning, thus repeating the cycle. The latter of these outcomes means that you’re more likely to catch an illness, resulting in time off… which causes more stress. Some elements to remember to include in your meal are:

  • A source of protein
  • A source of carbohydrates
  • Plenty of vegetables

Don’t forget to treat yourself to dessert, too!

4. Allow yourself some relaxation time

Even if it’s a quick half an hour each evening, this little time to yourself will do wonders in reducing stress levels. Have a bubble bath, binge a bit of Netflix, or play a game. Whatever you choose to do, teaching is a stressful profession, and you deserve that crucial bit of me-time.

If you have a partner or children, spending time with them can also help melt off all the stress and worry you’ve pent up throughout the day.

5. Go to sleep at an appropriate time

We all are urged to stay up past midnight when doing something fun. However, not getting the full amount of sleep recommended for adults (between 7 and 9 hours each night) will hinder your ability to wake up properly in the morning and increase the likelihood of you feeling drained as the school day progresses. If it’s 9 pm and you’re tired, don’t try and force yourself to stay up: trust your body and listen to it.

Ultimately, your time at home is up to you. No matter what you choose you do, you should aim to be mindful of the next day and plan your evening and night accordingly.

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