The funds in your tax-deductible investment account will help to secure your retirement. Most teachers are offered a 403b or 457b retirement plan, so it’s important to compare them. This will allow you to determine which is better for you. These plans will allow you to make contributions before paying income taxes. Even if you […]
Since our training, it's been instilled in us teachers that homework is a vital part of our student's education. It provides further learning, helps kids to pass certain milestones, and can even be a measure of knowledge retention in the right circumstances. But more teachers are asking: is homework beneficial or necessary? Homework statistics might […]
Learning to read is one of the biggest milestones of any child's educational journey. However, once an adequate literacy level has been attained, many children find themselves unwilling or unable to sustain a vibrant and fulfilling passion for reading. While reading was once a common hobby for kids in their spare time, the advent of […]
When people think of careers in education, they often assume teaching is the only option. While teaching is certainly an important and rewarding career, there are plenty of alternative roles within the industry. The education sector hires many professionals, from security officers and administrative personnel to social workers and catering staff. With varying skills required, […]
Educational leadership is a process that helps to manage academics and improve the overall quality of education, but it’s also much more than that. Any complete educational leadership definition should look at the process’s short- and long-term goals and how this process can impact teachers, the level of education they offer, and the educational institution […]
It is never too early to begin promoting reading and literacy skills in children. Babies are already born with the ability to process language. As they grow and develop, they become aware of the language around them and begin to use it themselves. Early literacy is important because the sooner parents start building an understanding […]
You've likely heard more in recent years about homeschooling, but have you heard about unschooling? It is a cultural concept similar in some ways to homeschooling yet allows for even greater freedom and choice for the learners. What is unschooling? Unschoolers are encouraged to find their topics of interest and actively research ways to learn […]
If you're a teacher who likes inspiring and motivating your students through a classroom reward system, then you probably know all the benefits of positive reinforcement. Implementing rewards for good behavior is an excellent way to ensure that being 'good' is just as acknowledged as being 'bad' " which is especially vital for younger students […]
Medical emergencies like a cardiac arrest can happen to anyone anywhere, including in the classroom environment. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also called CPR, is an emergency life-saving procedure involving chest compression and rescue breathing to save cardiac arrest victims. While CPR will likely not restart the victim's heart, it will most certainly buy time while awaiting the […]