Who’s got the spirit? WE ALL DO! School spirit week is one of the most anticipated events on the calendar. Students, teachers, and administrators spend the week coming up with creative outfit ideas to fit the week’s themes. But planning the perfect spirit week itinerary can be a tall task. After all, you don’t want […]
The Lindamood-Bell approach to reading comprehension is quite promising, and you could consider adopting it as part of your teaching program. You must understand the strengths and weaknesses of this particular technique " though many people can benefit from this particular approach, it doesn't work the same for everybody. Students learn incredibly differently, so it's […]
When you're in a classroom or any other social situation, you come across plenty of people with different ways of thinking from you. While many of these come from social and cultural differences from one, some of them come from psychological differences that people have from birth. This includes conditions such as high-functioning autism. Learn […]
As a teacher, you might benefit from implementing Universal Design for Learning into your usual lessons, which helps accommodate the entire classroom. The term 'universal' could suggest a broad approach that teaches everybody the same way, but UDL is instead a method of educating the class using the techniques that work best for them. What […]
In the United States, all children with a classified disability are legally guaranteed free and appropriate public education, also known as FAPE. This legal doctrine is outlined in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). At its core, FAPE ensures that all children receive a well-rounded education, particularly those […]
If a student in your classroom is struggling with the material more than their peers, it's possible that they could have special learning requirements. In many cases, the school and the child's parents are already aware of this, as symptoms typically develop before they attend education. Still, there are also instances where children don't receive […]
April 1st might be the best holiday of the year. Why? Because it allows us to channel our inner child and get silly for a few hours, pulling pranks and executing hilarious practical jokes. And as teachers, we have the perfect audience to play some harmless pranks on – our students! Seeing our students’ faces […]
Sensory input is an everyday part of our lives – it is simply how we experience the world through our senses. This becomes more complex and important to understand when working with children. How do they experience sensory input? And how does this change for those with sensory processing issues, such as children on the […]
When you teach a class, you may encounter several behavioral problems, many of which have unique causes and manifestations. Key among them is self-regulation, the ability to manage our emotions and behavior in stressful situations, and this takes some time to develop as a child. Many children struggle with this and may act out as […]