
Alma Sokoya


My name is Alma Sokoya. I'm a mother of two amazing adults and I've been married to a wonderful man for 34 years. I grew up in a two parent household and I have 12 siblings including a twin brother. My parents were the working poor. We struggled financially but my parents valued education and did whatever they had to to make sure we attended school regularly. I always loved school and knew that one day I would become an educator. Teaching is my life. I love the students and I love knowing that every day I'm making a difference in the life of someone else. Every day I see the future and know that long after I'm gone I will still be a part of that future living through my students. This is my calling and I am so glad I answered. My name is Alma Sokoya. I'm a mother of two amazing adults and I've been married to a wonderful man for 34 years. I grew up in a two parent... read more

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Joined January, 2019 |


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