
Aine Sia


Diamonds in the rough...that's how I think of my students. They are small pieces of hard working beauty amidst the chaos of the environment in which they live. These children come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and I'm striving to increase their learning and growth with the continued love and support and tolerance that we give to each other. With each day, these children surprise me and I strive to surprise them!

My hope is always to help children feel worthy and welcome.
In an effort to do this well, I constantly strive to provide opportunities for children to become the teachers to their peers. Putting these materials in the hands of my children will allow them to teach and learn while creating an environment of tolerance and sharing.
Diamonds in the rough...that's how I think of my students. They are small pieces of hard working beauty amidst the chaos of the environment in which they live. These children... read more

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Joined August, 2019 |


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