
Audrey Foreback


My passion for education extends beyond the classroom; going into my 7th year of education, I've learned that my students are not only learning from their teachers, but they are teaching me as well. Every year I charge my students as an administrator to not only have superb behaviors inside of the classroom, but to also display that same behavior in their communities. At Chaney High School in the freshman academy, we tell our students that we 'BAG" different; Behavior, Attendance, and Grades! Without those three components, we cannot operate to become successful.

This year I want to reward my students each month for simply doing what they need to do daily while inside of their classes!! With your help, we can begin to do so!
My passion for education extends beyond the classroom; going into my 7th year of education, I've learned that my students are not only learning from their teachers, but they are... read more

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Joined August, 2019 |


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